Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Google Docs: A New Look

Just a bit o' breaking news. Google Docs is sporting a very cool new interface and it works great. Log into your Google account and check it out!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Speedy Browsers - Who's the Fastest

For the speed buffs among us, here is a good page that details and graphs the raw speed of many web browsers.

For those who would rather I just tell you :)... here's the five fastest (1 being best):

1. Opera
2. Konqueror
3. Firefox 1.5
4. IE 7
5. Safari

These are MY ranking. So don't take them as technical holy doctrine.

Edit: Yes... Firefox 2 did NOT make the list. It definately lost some speed since 1.5. If you run linux, the SwiftFox build of 2.0 might perform very well, however.

Multi-touch Surface Device Demonstrations

Check out this wild new video from Popular Mechanics. Multi-touch is bringing us a step closer to organic computing :).

(Thanks Jonathan!)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Run Apple Safari on Windows

Sorry I haven't been blogging much.

Some news just won't wait though. Windows XP and Vista users can now run Apple's Safari browser based of the Web Kit project! Absolutely awesome. You really should give this baby a try :).

ALMOST makes me want to stay in Windows :P.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Space Lane

Wow, this is a cool image.