Monday, February 26, 2007

AlterNet Web Design

I guess I haven't updated you on my business endeavors in a while.

Since I left my previous position as a web designer/master of a large health food store, I pursued a new web design venture with a good Christian friend I know through our church. He's a talented salesperson and I can make websites. It seemed like a good match.

Using open source CMS (Content Management System) technology to help design our system, we've created a website that almost anyone can run with no prior knowledge of web design or HTML. In fact, it's nearly as easy to put text in pictures in your site as it is to do so in a simple email.

We recently created our own site using our system and is now public!

If you like it, drop me a line and let me know!

I have some other businesses that are still in the brainstorming phase, but if they become solidified I will keep you posted!

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