Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Every once in a while.

Ok, I haven't posted since last year, so here's a quickie (sorry, not a video post!).

2006 is over and 2007 is already rolling at high speed! With a new business launch, diet, exercise regime, personal projects, and more potential traveling in the time ahead, my weeks aren't looking all that dull.

Because I know you secretly desire them, here are Garrett's words of wisdom for 2007:

  • Avoid Windows Vista: Critics agree that Vista just isn't worth it at the price of admittance. PC Magazine suggests sticking with XP unless you can afford the $350 upgrade... which you shouldn't need unless you are a gamer. Only if you buy a new computer should you have Vista since it will now become the default OS for most computers. If you are buying a new computer, however, you really ought to get a Mac...

  • Subscribe to Green Coffee: Really! Green Coffee is good for you! It's brewed by everyone's favorite Sojourner, black as can be... no watered down coffee here. It's actually proved much more tasty than I originally anticipated.

  • Go Parallel: Have you already taken the plunge (or close to it) in moving to Mac or Linux? Grab the excellent Parallels Desktop to run Windows as well! Without restarting your computer even. Unethical? Definitely. Useful? Regretfully. Get it.

  • Get a Fedora: No really, they are cool. Of course, so is this fedora...
And there you have it. I'm sure your year will yield wildly fruitful results if you follow the four proven steps above.

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