Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Daylight Savings Time Failure

Preparing for this year's early Daylight Savings Time - Mar. 5, 2007

"And remember to be on the lookout for scam artists. During the next two weeks consumers may receive a number of e-mail offers that promise to fix the Daylight Savings Time problem, pretending to be your bank or your credit card issuer.

Remember, never give away any information about you or your financial affairs. If you have questions about your software or other gadgets, you should go directly to the source, by call the company directly or visiting their Web site."

You may be accustomed to your electronic devices changing themselves for the Annual Daylight Savings change, but this year that is all going to change. Unless you're on Windows Vista (or XP with the all the latest updates) or on an Apple computer, you're doin' it yourself this year!

Some older devices may not even provide a way to fix this. My cell-phone didn't work with the patch I got online (I think the problem is with my phone though) so I'm going to just turn off DST and handle the time manually.

1 comment:

Max Parish said...

Thanks for the heads up!
