Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Greater Things

Amidst all the business and irrelevant things that I blog here, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge my good friend, Max.

He's one of the best guys I know, and now it would seem...

He's engaged to marry one of the best girls I DON'T know! (Isn't that an interesting sentence?)

Stop off at his blog and leave him a comment. I can't imagine he can get any happier, but I think he will appreciate it, just the same.

Love ya' Man!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Challenge Completed

Well, I'll tell you what...

I had a nice post made and ready to go that was going to feature a video blog accompaniment to let you know, as modestly as possible, that:

I COMPLETED the challenge!

27 days of work, no $pending, and I've got $20.87 banked!

Anyways, I've never made so little in my life, for the amount of work I did, but that's not the point! Hopefully, this represents the beginning of a successful online business.

And about that video... well Youtube decided to go nuts. I tried to upload it 4 times. No luck. So, lucky you, my flapping lips are absent from this post.

But, I warn you now... as soon as I figure out what's wrong, I'm gonna post that video!

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Short Derek

at KPEZ in Austin, TX at []
"I think this is where they were making fun of derek for being short. good fun."


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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why Hast Thou Accepted Me

"It would seem that God is the fool, that He could love back-stabbing murderers."

Oh God, My God, Why Hast Thou Accepted me/ When All my Love was Vinegar to a Thirsty King?/ Oh God, My God, Why Hast Thou Accepted me/ It's a Mystery of Mercy and a Song that I Sing - Mystery of Mercy, Caedmon's Call (words and music, Andrew Peterson)

tear shed

God's Love is Impossible
and a Miracle

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 19 - Still Kickin'

Well the 30 Day Challenge more than half-way through now. Day 19 and still kickin'!

Frog Kitten

Here's my flash update:

  • I WON the video competition! Alright, so I got second place... sort of like winning. Thanks to everyone who rated my video and Youtube and supported me! I have been awarded a free year's membership to a marketing group with a high membership cost that I have been wanting to be a part of very badly. I feel this is probably the most important thing that has happened to me this year!

  • I'm now Team Captain of Team Youtube! Our originator is not totally excited over how things are going so he promoted me to "lead" the team. He obviously does not know me that well...

  • I developed an official Tool bar for the Challenge! People actually believe I know how to program!

  • I've had Ice-cream every night for a week! I feel horrible!

  • I have 144 new subscribers to! It's the most exciting artificial inflation I've ever experienced!

  • I'm driving Aaron nuts with exclamation points!!!1! Big time!

So there you have it. If you've been wondering what I'm been up to, wonder no more. I'll update again later.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Top 10 Firefox features that don't require extensions

You can thank for this great article showing 10 great features in Firefox that do not require plug-ins!

Top 10 Firefox features that don't require extensions

"During our Show Us Your Firefox series,
we saw all the wonderful things you can do with Firefox using add-ons.
However, like most things in the software world, the more extensions
you install in Firefox, the slower and more bloated it becomes. Today,
rather than pointing you toward a handful of extensions designed to
boost your productivity, we're highlighting the top 10
productivity-boositng Firefox features and that don't require an


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