Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Challenge Completed

Well, I'll tell you what...

I had a nice post made and ready to go that was going to feature a video blog accompaniment to let you know, as modestly as possible, that:

I COMPLETED the challenge!

27 days of work, no $pending, and I've got $20.87 banked!

Anyways, I've never made so little in my life, for the amount of work I did, but that's not the point! Hopefully, this represents the beginning of a successful online business.

And about that video... well Youtube decided to go nuts. I tried to upload it 4 times. No luck. So, lucky you, my flapping lips are absent from this post.

But, I warn you now... as soon as I figure out what's wrong, I'm gonna post that video!

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1 comment:

Peter said...

Congrats man!