Friday, September 07, 2007

Back, Bruised, and Busy

Well, despite my best intentions it does not seem I was able to get anything out to my blog as planned.

Funny, you'd think there'd be decent cell-phone coverage at 11,000 ft in the Sierras...

Oh well, that's the way the Pop-tart crumbles. Yes, I broke my pop-tarts by attempting to bring them in my backpack. ='(

Anywho, I DID send photos from my phone, they just never made it. While our field photographer is busy sorting through some 400-600 photos from the last three days, I will try to post my puny little shots later tonight. Maybe we'll have a much bigger collection in a few days though.

... after I get out from under a mountain of emails, rss feeds, and pressing needs that developed while I was out working on my asthma cough and generally killing myself.


PS: You know that there is no simple way to take photos off my phone? I have to email each one to myself in separate emails. Who designs these things? "Smart" phone indeed.

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