Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'm not an environmentalist (I've been caught declaring that Yosemite should be entirely paved over) but I think these "Earthships" are pretty sweet. They are far from low-tech, have no service costs (power, water, etc), and look really wild. A cross between Hobbit homes and moisturizer vaporator farms on Tatooine are the best way to describe the way these homes look.

Embedded Video

Earthship Biotecture creates buildings that...

  • Heat and cool themselves naturally via solar/thermal dynamics
  • Collect their own power from the sun and wind
  • Harvest their own water from rain and snow melt
  • Sewage containment and treatment on site
  • Produce food in significant quantities
  • Utilize materials that are byproducts of modern society like cans, bottles and tires
Anyways... cool stuff, if you can get past the nature oneness and global warming emphasis that is so prevalent.

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