Saturday, September 29, 2007

*Cough* - *Hack*

From whence it came, I know not, but alas the truth is not easily denied. Mine throat, ears, and nose are all stuffethed up... I think I have a cold **sniff** :'(

Unfortunately, this may mean that I miss my chance to go visit our Orange Cove friends (double **sniff**!) tomorrow. But I'm not going down without a fight.

  • Lemon-water, all day
  • Vitamin C, 2 doses
  • Garlic 400mg
  • Chicken broth (home made and organic!)
  • Rasberries, high in anti-oxidants
  • Get to sleep early
It may be better if I don't make it on Sunday though... I'm sure the Church would appreciate a quiet day of worship for a change :).

Nimbus Sneeze

1 comment:

The McCracken family said...

and zinc and whole bottles of vitamin C and then just resign yourself to it cuz we all doctored ourselves up and still got miserably sick. Builds character. Maybe immunities, too. (Now maybe you won't get this identical cold virus when you're 90.)