Sunday, November 04, 2007

gOS: Is the 'new' OS sneaking up on us?

gOS would like to convince you that Google is already your Operating System, most people just don't know it yet.

While all the geeks in the world are preaching Ubuntu (and Dell has listened), which is the OS I'm writing this post from, Walmart (!) seems to have pulled the carpet from beneath our feet, choosing the small gOS in their new $200 computer instead. A new linux OS from LA that hasn't even gotten an ounce of attention from the linux community... until now.

gOS looks to be the OS that I, as my friends can attest, was wanting to create myself for a while now. And seeing as it's still in its "Alpha" state right now, I forecast only great things for the OS that managed to get the attention of WalMart.

Here's part of their "about" page:
Out of the box, just works!

We're creating an OS ecosystem that is complete. We come with all the software you need to browse the web, email, instant message... play movies, music, and connect to iPods... create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, images... out of the box. Plug and play!

Bring on Google and other wonderful applications

We recommend Google for just about everything... Gmail, Gtalk, Calendar, Maps, Docs and Spreadsheets, and more. Out of the box, just works!

Open source and other values

We thank the Ubuntu 7.10 community and Enlightenment community for their contribution to gOS and the world. Our dedicated team and passionate community of volunteers are committed to bringing our alternative OS to the masses... so people everywhere can enjoy a third, more affordable and attractive choice when shopping for a computer. To get ahead of ourselves, we're saying goodbye to closed software and the digital divide.

Another interesting thing about this OS is that it uses the beautiful, but small, Enlightenment Desktop Environment, which could see a MAJOR upgrade later this year. Besides being beautiful though, it is also one of the fastest DEs in the world, so you can safely expect to blow Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu (defacto) out of the water when it comes to speed with this OS.

Suffice to say that this little OS has my attention right now.


Vincent said...

Looks like this $200 / per computer deal is one of the best advertising ideas that google may have thought of... lets see if they now sell...

Anonymous said...

With the income these will generate I suspect they could give them away free.

Anonymous said...

it is based on ubuntu fool!

Garrett Valdivia said...

... That's what it says in my post. Astute observation :).

All I was saying was that Ubuntu may be overshadowed in the long run by a simple derivative such as this.


Anonymous said...

Um, no, you don't'. Not anywhere in the that post. In fact you imply heavily it will supplant Ubuntu. I quote "so you can safely expect to blow Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu out of the water when it comes to speed with this OS."

So who's the fool? Now go back and edit your post so it looks like we are.

Garrett Valdivia said...

It most certainly is faster than the defacto Ubuntu since it's a stripped down version of it loaded with E17.

But it is not being shipped as "Ubuntu" any more than Ubuntu is being distributed as "Debian" or PCLOS as "Mandriva".

But I will add the end of their about page, if only for your sake :) where they do thank the Ubuntu and e17 communities for their contributions. I don't believe that I have presented an incorrect explanation of the software since I made no implications to it's base anyways.

Sonburn said...

am I the only one that thinks it kinda looks like Os X... at least from the desktop